When we think about car mods, we tend to picture huge spoilers, noisy exhausts and hefty insurance bills, but this doesn’t necessarily need to be the case. There are all kinds of modifications that you can make to your car that can actually help to protect it and keep your insurance costs as low as possible.
In this article, Car Mats UK take a look at the different car mods that you can make, and how they might affect your premiums.
Engine upgrades
For many people, a vehicle mod is the ideal way to give your car the power that you long for. It is possible to make modifications to the engine of your car in order to increase performance, but this can make insurance companies nervous, and a bigger engine means a bigger insurance bill around 70-80% of the time.
Custom car mats
For an insurance company, car modifications run the risk of either causing damage to the car, making you at greater risk of an accident or making your car a target for thieves.
However, some car mods are much simpler than you might think and can actually benefit your car. Custom car mats are one great example of this as they can help to protect the original carpet of your car from wear and tear as well as mould, mildew and bad odours, no matter how you use the vehicle.
Instead of it posing an extra threat to your car, these car mats can actually protect it, and as they are custom made, they will fit perfectly, so you are not likely to see a rise in your insurance premiums.
Exhaust upgrades
The exhaust system can be a popular thing to upgrade as it not only adds to your horsepower, but it can also relieve pressure on the engine. These exhaust modifications are usually quite easy to spot as it tends to make them both bigger and noisier.
Some ‘big bore’ exhausts are now illegal in the UK, and anything that makes the exhaust noisier, such as removing the silencer is a criminal offence. Whilst legal modifications to your exhaust can make your insurance more expensive, illegal mods will invalidate it altogether.
Seat covers
We put our seats through a lot, so seat covers can be a great solution. Whether you want to protect them from a wet dog, a messy toddler or just general wear and tear, your seat covers can ensure they stay looking as good as new – something your insurance company will love. These covers can come in some great designs and can even be personalised, so they can still give you all of the style that you want without adding to your bills.
Body kits
Many mods that are made to cars now involve the use of a body kit of some sort. These either replace the existing bodywork or add to it and can include bigger bumpers or increased rear wings to make the whole thing look sportier. It is important to remember that things like bumpers are made to improve safety and go through rigorous tests to ensure that they meet minimum safety standards. However, many body kits are not made to these same standards, which can mean that the car is less safe, and therefore more of a risk for insurers.
Some body kits add front and side skirts to the car, but as these reduce the amount of ground clearance that is available, they can be extremely hazardous on uneven roads, in crashes or simply mounting a kerb, which also makes insurers twitchy.
Standard policies have been found to increase by 10-15% when bodywork changes are made to a car unless you already have a modified insurance policy. Typical cosmetic changes to a car that can also increase your insurance premiums are flared wings, wheel arches, spoilers and valances.
Boot liners
We spend a lot of time looking after most areas of our cars, but the boot can be a bit forgotten. We throw shopping in there, golf clubs, buggies, shopping and even our pets without giving it much thought, which can lead to scratches, fraying carpet and some pretty scary smells.
Adding a boot liner gives you boot an added layer of padded protection, which is essential when you think about the number of things that we put it through. These boot covers come in a variety of styles and colours, so they can still be reflective of you, but they won’t add a penny to the cost of your insurance.
Custom paint work
Many people like to use their paint work to express their personalities or show off the brand of car that they are driving. Whilst these custom paint jobs are great fun, vinyl wraps, decals, stickers and paint are usually classed as modifications.
This means that additions to your bumpers or racing stripes can invalidate your policy if you have not informed your insurers. If you have modified the appearance of your car in this way, you are likely to see around a 5% rise in prices from your insurers.
It is important to remember that some modifications such as tinted windows, under-car neon lights, and custom LED headlights can also be illegal, and so you should check what you can and can’t do to your car before you undertake any work.
Alloy wheels
Whilst many cars came with steel wheels originally, alloys have become more popular, as their light weight improves the handling of the car. These can often be added to a new car before you even take delivery of it, or you can fit them yourself later. Whilst these will not automatically increase your insurance, you might see a small rise in prices if there have been a lot of alloy thefts in your area.
Car mods are made to improve performance, enhance the look of your car or even protect it, and so not all changes are frowned upon by insurance companies. If you are not sure, it is best to check with your insurers first.